The focal point of my piece is the tank. From there my eye follows the barrel of the tank, to the frame of the building, down to the rubble then, back around again. I used the rule of thirds when creating the painting: the house remains to the left, the barrel and figure in the middle and the tank to the right. There are four figures on the tank: two of them look like they are playing on the tank and the other two look like they are just watching. I kept the colors the same as Miro's painting in order to clearly make the connection between the two pieces (primary colors, green, white and grey). I made things disproportionate in order show off his original style as well as to make the more important aspects more noticeable. I also used a little more abstraction with the remains of the bombed house to the left and the rubble below.
The connotation in this image is slightly chaotic and playful. The feeling of chaos comes from the hectic stokes of blue paint in the sky and the splattered and "messy" grey strokes below. The shapes of the cutout paper are harsh, not clean, which makes me think of rocks or remnants from an explosion. The white cutouts to the left are also messy and are frayed at the ends which again make me think of chaos. I get a playful feeling from the two figures that are swinging from the barrel of the tank. It is as if the kids are playing on the tank. The actual tank makes me nervous and reserved because it makes me think of all the different wars. The pain and struggle of people going through these wars also goes through my mind. The contrasting emotions of chaos, turmoil and playfulness remind me of the saying "its all fun and games until somebody gets hurt". The "fun and games" connects to the figures playing on the tank and the "until somebody gets hurt" connects to one of the figures getting hurt or the place that they are in: a war zone. That also reminded me of when I was younger and I would be playing in an old sand pit (somewhere we weren't supposed to be). The place that I was in was very dangerous but I overlooked this in order to play. This same idea applies to the image: the kids are in the middle of a war zone which is dangerous, so they are overlooking this in order to have a little fun.
The ideology of this painting is that war is creating a lot of turmoil all over the world. Conflicts between countries and nations are slowly destroying our lives and the lives of our children. War is becoming a norm for the youth all around the world. Since it is a norm, they learn that violence and war is the only answer to things, which is not true. Another thing that is becoming a norm is people not understanding the true reason for war. This goes along with people not being open and accepting of people that are different. Each race, ethnicity or religion thinks that they are superior, so when somebody challenges that, "all hell breaks loose". The figures in the painting are supposed to resemble children. Having children playing on a tank shows that they do not understand how harmful that piece of machinery and war can truly be.
By using Miro's style on a modern image, it made me realize how he emphasizes ideas that are important to him. It also allowed me to see how he was able to detach emotion from his paintings. The original picture that I picked to recreate is hard to look at because of all the ruins and destruction, but in the recreation it is a lot easier because figures are distorted with semi-abstraction.
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Original Syrian War Image |
Personages Attracted by the Form of a Mountain |
Children Attracted to the Form of a Tank |